David Fant's thoughts


17 September 2024

Last summer I was in a bad place health wise. My habits had increasingly gotten worse over years, it took me many hours to properly wake up, exercise was non-existent, I constantly felt bloated by the food I ate, and I stayed up until the middle of the night in front of a bright screen. Overnight I changed all habits related to sleep, exercise, diet and meditation

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Blood Test 1

8 August 2023

Inspired by Bryan Johnson publishing his health data, I will post my blood test results here to keep myself accountable to my health. This test was taken before a big change in diet and exercise. If you know a lot about blood tests and see something that concerns you, please let me know.

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Using GPT-3 and OpenAI Codex to convert natural language to bash

4 October 2021

OpenAI recently released OpenAI Codex, a language prediction model based on GPT-3. I got my hands on the Codex API, which allows developers to build things on top of Codex and have been playing around with it the last few weeks. Since I use the terminal every day but always forget CLI commands, I created x a CLI tool to convert natural language to bash commands

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Getting Rid of Frugality

28 February 2021

Today some beans I was boiling dropped to the floor. After quickly picking them up, brushing them off and eating them, I realized: I’m literally counting beans! My obsession with extreme frugality is going too far…

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San Francisco Impressions

1 Dec 2019

I just came back from a dinner at a taqueria. We were two skinny white guys with hoodies and Patagonia clothes, talking about ideas, companies and big VC rounds. Behind us, latinos worked their asses off - presumably for minimum wage - and the street outside was filled with black homeless people smoking pot

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Useful React Native Hooks

22 Dec 2019

React Hooks are getting increasingly popular. However, I've not found any hooks for React Native specific features, so I started creating them myself. This is my collection of useful React Native hooks.

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Hacking Voi Scooters: How I Created $100k Worth of Free Rides

27 Sept 2019

The scooter epidemic has taken over Stockholm - we currently have 9 different brands trying to win the market! That is completely ridiculous… I tried exploit their promo codes to get unlimited free rides (or rather, until they run out of VC money). Long story short, I now have $100k worth of Voi credits.

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GraphQL Integration Testing Made Easy

6 Sept 2019

For a long time I've been struggling with how to find the right balance when testing. The goal is to move quickly but with confidence. Recently, I have started testing my GraphQL APIs in an integration testing-like way: everything is done using GraphQL queries and mutations.

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Early Exit for CircleCI in Monorepos

7 Aug 2019

I've recently had a situation with a monorepo using CircleCI for testing and deployment. Everything was built on every push - native apps, backend deploys etc. This took a lot of time and cost a lot of $

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A Real Life Example of Sharing React Web and React Native Components

17 July 2019

Sharing components and business logic between web, iOS and Android can be seen as the holy grail when building a web app and native app using React and React Native. Write once, deploy everywhere. In this post I'll walk through how I set it up and have learned.

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What Is This?

26 May 2019

This is my private space on the interwebs where I dump my thoughts, share interesting tech findings, and occasionally write summaries of books I read. It will probably be mostly centered around code I write and learnings from the journey of building products. But every once in a while, I might drop some thoughts on bigger picture thoughts as I try to find my place in the universe.

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